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گزارش خرابی

What is your worst fear? The spider with its eight hairy legs? Flying at high altitudes? Speaking in front of strangers? Getting a shot? For many people, public speaking is the scariest. You can run away from spiders and other scary situations but running away may not be
an option with public speaking. In this lesson,
you will learn about the different types of presentations that you may
need to do in your career. Knowing this information is the first
step in improving your oration skills. You will probably need to make
a speech at some point in your career. A marketing executive pitches new
sales ideas to upper management and potential clients. Computer programmers might be
asked to train new employees. Scientist must summarize the research
to government officials and other grant sponsors. Colleges are recognizing
the importance of oral presentation skills in the work place. So, more professors
are assigning presentations as a way of preparing students for
are usually 5 to 15 minutes long depending on whether they
are individual or group projects. Informal presentations tend to be
shorter and require less preparation, whereas formal ones are longer and
require more preparation. Even though they are course assignments, you should treat them all like
professional presentations. Dress appropriately,
know your subject matter, and be prepared to answer any and
all questions about it. There are three main formats. A video presentation is also
known as narrative slides. You put your information on a presentation
tool such as PowerPoint or Keynote, record your speech over the slides and
then convert it into a YouTube or MP4 video that other people can watch
on television or computer screens. Sometimes these videos
are shown during class. Other times the professor assign
students to watch them as homework. An oral presentation is a traditional
speech where you stand up and talk in front of your peers. Everyone's attention,
including the professor's, is on you. You talk while the audience listens, but
it is definitely more interactive than narrative slides that have been
turned into a video presentation. Poster presentations, also known as poster sessions have been
gaining popularity in recent years. Every student creates a graphical
representation of their speech. All of the posters
are displayed in a big room. The audience freely walks around the room,
looks at posters and chats one on one with the presenters. This style is very interactive. No matter what format
the professor has selecting, it is important to keep the purpose
of this presentation in mind. What are you trying to reach,
the human mind or the human spirit? What's your goal,
to inform or to persuade? In an INFORMATIVE PRESENTATION, the goal
is to teach the audience something, your task is to explain the concept, describe
an event or demonstrate a process. For instance, you might be expected to
explain a chapter from the textbook, identify its main points and provide easy to understand
examples of complex concepts. Analyze the theoretical
implications of a case study. What will happen to this person or
group of people? Was their behavior usual or unusual? From this one case, what can we
learn about society in general? Summarize a research paper
that you recently finished. Why did you select this topic? What was your thesis? What were your findings? Describe how you've grown from
an internship opportunity. Including the mistakes that you have made
and how you corrected these mistakes. When explaining textbook chapters in
case studies, the tone is neutral. Objective, you are recounting information
without revealing your personal beliefs. How you feel about the subject matter,
doesn't matter. Your job is to accurately
explain the information. The audience will learn
just the facts from you. In contrast, the direction of research
papers and internships is subjective. Each person's experience is unique so this type of informative presentation is deeply personal in nature. Rather than just learning
the facts from you, the audience will learn about new ways
to approach the same subject matter. Your tone should be enthusiastic, but you're not trying to show the audience that your way is the best way. There is no one best way. You are simply sharing your
own personal experience. If you are expected to convince the
audience that your way is the best way. It is a PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION. Your task is to influence the audience to think and act in a particular way. You want your opinion to
become their opinion. Task include critique taking
current data or procedures. How are things currently being done? Is it effective or ineffective? What can we do to improve it? Recommending a solution to a problem? What are the variable options? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? What's the best option? And why? Proposing an action plan. What obstacles can impede the progress
of your proposed solution? What steps should be taken
to ensure ultimate success? Suggesting further research. Where are the holes, the missing
gaps in our knowledge of this topic? What is the best way to
learn more about this topic? There are three MODES OF PERSUASION,
pathos, ethos, and logos. Pathos is the appeal to
the audiences emotions. Choose vocabulary and examples that
will evoke sympathy from your audience. For instance, this photo of a starving
child eating crumbs from the floor will evoke compassion from
the audience to end world hunger. Ethos is the credibility of the speaker. You, are you trustworthy
expert on this subject? You must show that you know
the subject inside and out. That you have 100% confidence
in what you are saying. logos is about reasoning,
the logic of your arguments. It is important that you give
a step-by-step explanation of how you have arrived at your conclusions, including
why the other options are incorrect. To be effective, a persuasive presentation successfully
interweaves all three modes of persuasion. Conveying accurate information
is important but so is the audience's conviction
about your words and ideas. Throughout this course,
you will learn strategies for planning and delivering virtually any
type of presentation. These strategies will help you in your
academic and professional careers. You will improve your oral
communication skills and conquer any fear of public speaking, then what shall we conquer next,
flying, why not sky diving? No problem.

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