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In the first section we learned how to greet people in English At first glance it seems to be an easy task 
but in fact it is not If you are introduced to somebody for the first time you might want to say 
Nice to meet you When you meet close friends or someone you are familiar with a simple Hi will work
Good morning What's new Can't you tell I just got my hair cut It looks great Hey what's up Oh hey guys Sorry 
I just finished two sessions and I'm on my way home now OK busy as ever See you later See youHey what are you doing after class today I have a lot of homework Have you done the project for Dr. Stavick yet No 
Hey Christine 
Hey Kevin 
I'd like to introduce you to my friend Kate Kate this is Kevin Kevin this is Kate Nice to meet you Glad to meet you too Christine has told me so much about you Kate I just love her We have been friends since childhood 
We grew up together We seriously spent all of our time together We were in all the same classes on all the same sports teams And when we weren't together then I was at her house Oh man 
sounds like you guys have a lot in common Absolutely you know my mum 
loves Kate as much as I do And she was always welcomed in our house She came over for sleepovers every weekend and came over for dinner regularly and we did homework together She came home on the bus with me No wonder you guys are such close friends if you were raised like sisters 
Absolutely Yeah Man I really miss those days We should go play basketball sometime soon Absolutely I'd love to We should It's been a pleasure meeting you Thank you But I really have to go I'll see you later See you guys Hey Jolie Hi Joyce welcome back So nice to see you Nice to see you too It's great to be here again 
Yes I can't imagine that you were away for the whole week 
Yeah So how was your trip It was amazing you know Xi'an is such an interesting city 
I brought back a lot of pictures Yes I can't wait to see them I will show you then
Excuse me is this seat taken No you can sit here Thank you Are you new here 
Oh, yeah 
I'm an exchange student from Georgia OK My name is Betsy Leimbigler 
I'm from Canada 
Nice to meet you 
It's nice to meet you too 
You can call me Bets 
Bets OK Oh I'm Kevin Ingram 
I'm from Georgia 
OK Can I call you Kev 
Yeah you can call me Kev 
Ok is that a nickname 
if you friends call you Kev or Kevin 
No not really but we can start 
OK nice to meet you Kev 
It's nice to meet you as well This section discusses the subject of greeting people The explanations and examples given talk about first introduction greetings where the people in the example 
have never met before for greetings that people use when they are more familiar with 
the person they are talking to In section 1.2 Doctor Thomas Piachaud greets everybody with hello 
and welcome and follows this with a very brief introduction of himself He goes on to explain 
how greetings are important particularly with first impressions and then he talks about different greetings 
in different cultures Dr. Piachaud also provides us with words and phrases 
that are important to remember such as first impressions make an impression polite rude impolite 
personal information and social status These are important words and expressions to remember 
because they describe information and impressions of social interaction Most important in any dialogue 
of course is the opening greeting The foundation of any good conversation or introduction 
is the opening greeting In English there are many different ways to greet somebody This section shows us several examples They are listed below 
A casual version of the word Hello 
Good Morning 
One can also say Good afternoon 
Good evening or Goodnight 
depending on the time of the day 
Is a very casual way of saying Hello to start a question like Hey do you have class today 
it can also be used to get somebody's attention Hey There’s a taxi over there It is very informal 
so should only be used with equals and people you are very familiar with 
One would not normally say 
to their teacher or boss so be careful 
Excuse me 
This a very polite way 
to open a dialogue with a stranger 
It indicates that 
you do not wish to disturb them or make them feel uncomfortable If you want to ask a stranger a question 
it is most polite to begin with Excuse me What's up A casual way of saying both Hello 
and What's going on or How are you 
The usual response to this is Not much 
There are many other greetings 
that can be used to open a conversation 
Here are some you might want to practice 
A slang variation for What’s up 
It is typically only used with social equals 
in a very casual setting 
How's it going 
Another way of saying How are you or How are things Morning 
A cheerful way of saying Good morning Howdy This words comes from 
the cowboy culture of the United States 
It means Hello It is usually used in a joking manner 
and is a very friendly and casual way of saying Hello One would not use this word 
in a formal setting or to greet superiors 
A slang word for Hello or Hey 
Although it is not an impolite word 
this should never be used 
in a formal setting 
or to greet superiors 
because it is too casual

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