مرور اجمالی طوفان

مرور اجمالی طوفان

The Tempest - the basics

GENRE: romantic comedy
SETTING: an un-named Mediterranean island


  • Prospero used to be the Duke of Milan, but now lives on an island with his daughter Miranda. He is a magician, and uses his magic to create the tempest (the storm) when his brother Antonio is sailing close to the island.
  • Miranda is Prospero’s 15-year-old daughter. She falls in love with Ferdinand.
  • Caliban is a half-human creature, who has always lived on the island. He is Prospero’s slave.
  • Ariel is a spirit who was also enslaved by Prospero.
  • Antonio is Prospero’s brother and the current Duke of Milan. He is shipwrecked on the island by the tempest which his brother creates.
  • Ferdinand, Alonso’s son, is shipwrecked on the island by the tempest. He and Miranda fall in love.
  • Alonso is King of Naples and the father of Ferdinand. Alonso helped Antonio remove Prospero as Duke of Milan but now regrets this.

From what you know and what you have learned on this course, which elements of this setting and list of characters do you think are ‘typical’ of Shakespeare’s plays?