دانش خود را افزایش دهید

دانش خود را افزایش دهید

Note taking is a very important skill for university life. In most universities in the United States, you will be expected to attend lectures, take notes and use your notes to study for exams or to prepare for a presentation or writing assignment. Since note taking is a skill, you can get better with practice.


It can be helpful to use abbreviations in your notes in order to save time. Here is a list of some commonly used abbreviations. Download the list and use it when taking notes about the lectures this week.


Key Points from the Video Lesson

  • Listen carefully for the main idea at the beginning of the talk.
  • Write down as much as you can including details, examples, definitions, explanations.
  • Write down key words and phrases. Don't use complete sentences.
  • Identify what you don't understand by leaving a blank space or writing a question mark (?).