جلسه دوم - C++ environment - Types in C++ - Boolean -Character

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جلسات فیلم های آموزشی

جلسه اول - ++Class introduction - Topics - Prpcedure - System level - SystemC/C
جلسه دوم - C++ environment - Types in C++ - Boolean -Character
جلسه سوم - Logic gate models - Bool char - Overloading - Pass by reference
جلسه چهارم - Array modeling - Bitwise opoerators - Flip -Flop modeling - State machine - File input/output
جلسه پنجم - Pointers for arrays - Fixed logic - Array & Pointers argument - Struets - Fields of struets - Array of struets - Re
جلسه هفتم - classes - constructors - class pointer - wire class - constructor as port map
جلسه هشتم - Classes - Class instances - Object pointers - And,Or activity count - Last event - Last value - inheritance - Gates
جلسه نهم - inheritance - Gates classes - Static Parameters - Virtual memeber functions - Pointer compatibilaty - Flip flop clas
جلسه دهم - polymorphism in gate classes - pointer compatability - virtual functions - pure virtual functions abstract classes -
جلسه یازدهم - starting RTL C++ library - RTL principles - datapath controller - bus class - constructors - vector type bus - in
جلسه دوازدهم - bus operations - overloading
جلسه سیزدهم - RTL components - using overloaded bus operation
جلسه چهاردهم - Template Classes ، review of RTL library
جلسه پانزدهم - starting system C , one bit adder with bus based library at C++ , taking off from C++
جلسه شانزدهم - onebitadder system C , concurrent process
جلسه هفدهم - system C , sc main , tset bench , wave from generation
جلسه هجدهم - system C , sc_has_process , sc_thread , sensitivity list
جلسه نوزدهم - system c , sc_thread for test data , state machine modeling
جلسه بیستم - system c rtl components , adder , add overloading , type conversion
جلسه بیست و یکم - registers in system c , clocking reseting , counters , shift registers
بیست و دوم - starting system c- AMS , overview , ELN model at computation
جلسه بیست و سوم - continue on ELN , descrete event converters for in & out , using sc_in , sc_out
جلسه بیست و چهارم - System C - AMS , LSF modules , port binding , DE converters
جلسه بیست و پنجم -
جلسه بیست وششم - SDF-moduls , port atributes , scheduling , porpagation