اقتباس‌هایی از مکبث

اقتباس‌هایی از مکبث

Read about three different film versions of the Macbeth story.

Throne of Blood (Kumonosu-jō)
(1957) Japan

Plot: Generals Miki and Washizu are Samurai commanders under a local lord, Lord Tsuzuki. After defeating the lord’s enemies in battle, they return to Tsuzuki’s castle. On their way through the thick forest surrounding the castle, they meet a spirit, who foretells their future. The spirit tells them that today Washizu will be named Lord of the Northern Garrison and Miki will now be commander of the first fortress. She then foretells that Washizu will eventually become the Lord, and finally she tells Miki that his son will also become lord of the castle.

When the two return to Tsuzuki’s estate, Tsuzuki rewards them with exactly what the spirit had predicted. As Washizu discusses this with Asaji, his wife, she manipulates him into making the second part of the prophecy come true by killing Tsuzuki when he visits. Washizu kills him with the help of his wife, who gives drugged sake to the lord’s guards, causing them to fall asleep. When Washizu returns in shock at his deed, Asaji grabs the bloody spear and puts it in the hands of one of the three unconscious guards. She then yells “murder” through the courtyard, and Washizu slays the guard before he has a chance to plead his innocence.

(Adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Throne_of_Blood)

Men of Respect
(1990) USA

Plot: Mike Battaglia, a powerful lieutenant in the D’Amico crime family, executes an attack on the family’s enemies, earning a promotion and the respect of his boss, Charlie D’Amico. Despite D’Amico’s generosity, however, Battaglia secretly resents D’Amico for passing him over as his successor.

At the instigation of Ruthie, his wife, Battaglia murders D’Amico and has his sons shipped off to Florida, clearing the way for him to assume control of the D’Amico family. He becomes an underworld leader, deciding to kill anyone he suspects as a threat to his power, including former ally Bankie Como and his unconnected son, Philly, who survives an assassination attempt.

At his coronation as boss, a drunken Battaglia alienates two more of the mob’s powerful soldiers. Afraid that Battaglia’s reign will spell the end of the D’Amico family, several of Battaglia’s underlings desert him and ally themselves with D’Amico’s eldest son, Mal.

Battaglia orders the assassination of his chief rival, Matt Duffy, but the assassins cannot find him, instead murdering his wife and children. Determined to get revenge, Duffy comes to kill Battaglia, who arrogantly proclaims that “no man of woman born” can harm him. Duffy responds that he was delivered via caesarian section, and therefore was not technically born of a woman. Disposing of Battaglia, he clears the way for Mal to assume control of the family.

(Adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_of_Respect)

(2004) India

Plot: Maqbool is the right-hand man of Jahangir Khan (alias Abba Ji), a powerful underworld don. Maqbool is grateful and feels a close connection and personal indebtedness to Abba Ji. Two corrupt police-men predict that Maqbool will soon take over the reins of the Mumbai Underworld from Abba Ji.

Nimmi is Abba Ji’s mistress, but she secretly loves Maqbool. Maqbool loves Nimmi, too. Nimmi also encourages Maqbool’s ambitions and persuades him to kill Abba Ji in order to take over as don. Maqbool is torn between his love for Nimmi and his loyalty to Abba Ji, but he begins to prepare the ground for becoming a don by ensuring that others in the line of succession cannot interfere. Finally, in a dramatic scene, Maqbool murders Abba Ji in cold blood while he is in bed at night, with Nimmi next to him. Maqbool gets away with it and takes over as don, just as planned; but both he and Nimmi are haunted by guilt, seeing Abba Ji’s ghost and unable to wash the blood from their hands. There is also suspicion, within the gang, of Maqbool’s role in the death of Abba Ji, and eventually the lovers meet a tragic end.

(Adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maqbool)

- Have you seen any of these films?
- Do you know about any other adaptations of the Macbeth story?