ایمیل شماره 1

ایمیل شماره 1

The next few steps will provide you with some brief examples to illustrate how our cultural socialisation, expectations and experience can vary our reactions to a particular message.

The first example is an e-mail from a Director of Sales to employees at an international company. Please read it carefully and think how you would react if you had received the email.


Subject: Thank you
From: internationalsales@international.com
Date: Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 09:36
To: ALL-US-sales@international.com

To all sales staff,

I would like to personally thank you for your very hard work this past year, in which we have broken our previous sales records.

You have done a good job, but we need to be careful and not lose sight of our competitors whilst we are celebrating. Our competitors are trying to beat us, so you must work even harder on achieving our goals. You need to remain dutiful and loyal to this company. Failure is not an option. You mustn’t become complacent and aim to do an even better job next year.

Thank you again for your hard work and your loyalty.

Director of Sales

© Email adapted from Schnurr, S. (2013). Exploring Professional Communication. London: Routledge.