لیست لغات مرتبط به بدن

لیست لغات مرتبط به بدن

The following is a list of vocabulary words that we'll be using throughout this module. They are organized into nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The lists also indicate whether the word is masculine (m) or feminine (f).


Mano (f): hand(s)
Agua (f): water
Ojo (m): eye
Cuerpo (m): body
Voz (f): voice
Cabeza (f): head
Color (m): color
Información (f): information
Imagen (f): image
Estilo (m): style, design
Figura (f): figure, shape
Cabello/pelo (m): hair
Cara (f): face
Calor (m): heat
Frío (m): cold
Sed (f): thirst
Hambre (f): hunger
Miedo (m): fear
Dolor (m): pain
Tos (f): cough
Deporte (m): sport
Dieta (f): diet
Médico (m/f): doctor
Medicina (f)/medicamento (m): medicine, drugs


Estar: to be
Tener: to have
Hacer: to do/to make
Cumplir: to comply, to fulfill, to perform
Usar: to use
Llevar: to carry, to transport
Llorar: to cry, to weep
Ser: to be
Deber: must
Poder: to be able to
Necesitar: to need to
Comer: to eat
Beber: to drink
Correr: to run
Recibir: to receive
Escribir: to write
Contagiar: to infect
Esperar: to hope for, to expect, to wait
Sudar: to sweat
Tomar: to drink, to take

ADJETIVOS (adjectives)

Bien ≠ mal/regular: (to be) good/bad or sick
Regular: (to be) so so, just ok, not so good
Pequeño/a: small, little
Grande: great
Bajo: short (height)
Alto: tall
Largo: long
Corto/a: short (length)
Fuerte: strong
Débil: weak
Joven: young
Viejo: old
Rubio ≠ moreno: blonde ≠ brown-haired
Rápido ≠ despacio: quickly ≠ slowly
Enfermo: sick
Resfriado: sick with a cold (not with the flu = la gripe)
Molesto: annoyed, uncomfortable
Irritado: irritated

EXPRESIONES (expressions)

Cómo: how
Porque: because
Ahora: now
Después: after