مروری بر اسم‌های قابل شمارش و غیرقابل شمارش

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گزارش خرابی

Hi there. 
In this lesson, we will review the main rules for count and noncount noun use. 
Remember, nouns describe people, like doctor, teacher, student, lawyer. 
Places, such as school, work, bank, restaurant. 
And things like water, sun, love, textbook.
For example, in these sentences we have several nouns. 
They're underlined in yellow.
What's important about nouns is actually there are two types, countable and noncountable nouns.
For short, we'll call them count and noncount nouns.
With count nouns that means we can use a, an, one, and numbers because these items are able to be counted. 
But with noncount nouns we can't use numbers. 
They cannot be counted.
With count nouns, if you have more than one, then we have to use the plural forms by adding s, es, or ies.
Let's review some rules for making plural nouns.
Here, V means vowels, which are the letters A, E, I, O, and U. 
And C represents consonants, which are all the other letters in English.
To make most nouns plural, we simply add an s, such as ants, desks, seasons, cars. 
If there is a vowel and y, we just add s, like essays, boys, keys, and toys.
If we have a word with a vowel and o, we just add s, for example, zoos, pianos, videos.If a noun ends in a consonant plus y, we need to change the y to i and then add es, such as libraries, countries, babies, ladies. 
Words that end in sh, ch, ss, and x need es added, for example, boxes, buses, matches, and taxes.
Words that end in a consonant and o, we add es like heroes, potatoes, and zeroes.
But there are also irregular plural nouns that do not follow these patterns, such as children, men, women, mice, and feet. 
Noncount nouns like these are a little different. 
Because count nouns are countable, we can use numbers. 
But we cannot count rice or air, so we can't use numbers in front of noncount nouns.
Most noncount nouns fall into a few categories like very small things that are too difficult to count alone, 
gases, things you study in school, things that make up the whole of a group of items. 
Other categories include activities such as things you do for fun as well as diseases and abstract ideas.
But how do you know if a noun is countable or uncountable? 
The best way is to check an English-English dictionary. 
Nowadays you can find several free ones online.
When you look at the dictionary, next to the listing for noun you should see a note about whether or not the noun is countable.
The reason knowing whether a noun is countable or not is important is because it can affect which verb you choose.
The subject, which is often a noun, needs to agree with the verb.
What that means is when you have a singular subject, it must agree with a singular verb.
When you have a plural subject, you must use a plural verb.
What that means is for single count nouns as well as noncount nouns we need to use singular verbs.
With plural count nouns, use plural verbs. But because noncount nouns don't have a plural form, we can't use the plural verb with noncount nouns.
In this lesson we reviewed the main rules for count and noncount noun use.

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