بررسی اجمالی- 1

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گزارش خرابی

Welcome to the first module of the course
everyone. I'm really looking forward, to sharing
this journey with all of you. Given that we've got such a diverse cohort
of participants, a big part of this course is
going to be about you doing personal reflection,
so you can tailor your own learning to your
individual circumstances. This module is all about understanding
where you are in the current educational landscape and
determining where you need to be. Using online technologies in different
ways is a normal part of the everyday life of most of us. It helps us do the things we need to do to
socialize and work. Think about when your students go and get
a job. It's not going to be enough for them to
have disciplinary knowledge. They'll also need to know how to use
technologies to effectively communicate and collaborate
just to do their jobs. This means as teachers, we need to help
students develop appropriate digital literacies by modelling
them in the way we teach. Problem is, many of us need a little help
to do this for ourselves. So, do you really know where you stand, in
relation to your understanding, of using online
technologies effectively in your teaching? You may be apprehensive about this idea,
or unsure about how to begin. You may have some experience, but want to
explore more. This module is about helping you to
reflect upon the challenges you face. And to help you devise a goal to overcome
them. This is going to be important for you in this course, because we're going to ask
you to come back to it, revise it, and refer to it, as your guide for your learning pathway in
this course. Thanks, everyone. I'm really looking forward to getting
started and I hope you are, too.

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