ابزار برنامه‌ریزی

ابزار برنامه‌ریزی

The planning tool document allows you to plan ahead for potentially tricky interactions. The next step of this course will invite you to practise using it.

The tool starts by asking you to consider pertinent points about your audience, and yourself, such as interactional goals, pre-conceptions about the interaction, participants’ language skills, etc.

Based on these considerations, you then consider the implications for the interaction you are preparing for in terms of the interactional strategies expected and possible sources of misunderstanding.

This leads into considerations of communicative choices or strategies, such as giving listener and feedback signals or avoiding jargon.

The final step of the planning tool invites you to consider further sources of information, support and practice. These include, e.g. reliable informants and feedback from friends.

Do you find the planning tool useful? Is there something you would change about it? Do you think you’ll use it in the future?