معرفی لغات

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گزارش خرابی

[MUSIC] Welcome to the vocabulary section of lesson one. In this first lesson, you will learn
the basic words that deal with family and friends. The words you need to engage
in everyday conversations. To memorize these new words you need to
make new associations between the sound, the images you will see, the written
word and the English translation. The mind is an incredible
association machine. Use the concepts you already have in your
head in English that will be stimulated by the pictures, to make new
associations with the Spanish sounds and the written forms. Second language acquisition
research tells us that you need to repeat this process
with each word about ten times. Use the drag and drop exercise to
match the correct Spanish word onto the images, and
then listen to the correct pronunciation. Afterwards, make sure to do
the comprehension quiz, and make sure you have an understanding
of the whole vocabulary. There are many cognates that exist
between English and Spanish. These are going to help you. But listen carefully for
the changes in pronunciation. Let's get to it. [FOREIGN]

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